Monday, August 8, 2011

Random Summer

Happy Monday! This morning was finally cool enough for Shelby and I to get back to our long walks, and I can tell she appreciated it. I did, too.

A lot has happened around our house that I thought I'd give an update on. For starters, we are now parking in our driveway for the first time since May! Well, I suppose there was certain-times-of the-day parking allowed in June, but it feels like it's been forever. The garage is mostly done, the driveway is done, and life is back to normal.

The backyard, however, is not back to normal. We have the patio torn up so the electical company can come out and put our lines underground, which means that if a carport roof blows off onto the actual roof (not likely, but still) we wouldn't lose power. We also have to put in a gate to keep Shelby in the yard, install a doorknob on the garage, get a garage door opener, and redo the patio/pergola to go with the changes. Basically, garage=patio extension. Yay.

Our kitchen is functional, and our upper cabinets should be done very soon, at least half of them. It will be soo nice to have them again, and Nathan's dad has done a fantastic job on them (I've seen pictures!). So maybe in a month or two we'll be able to show off the "finished" kitchen.

We went and saw the last Harry Potter movie Sunday. I have always been kind of indifferent to the movies and for me, Harry Potter was already over when the last book came out, so I wasn't in too much of a hurry to see it. Or so I thought: I was surprised with how sad I was at the end because it was over, though I strongly believe she'll do more Harry Potter things. Did anyone else see the lifetime movie of her life? Very good, and now I want to find the biography it was based on.

That's all for now. Tomorrow, I'll be back with my long-awaited ice breaker speech!

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