Monday, April 30, 2012

A Face Lift

WELCOME to the newly re-designed word fancies blog. I hope you like the new look.

I obsessively rearrange the furniture probably three times a year, at least. I like the refreshed spirit that comes with a new look or a new arrangement, and that feeling:YES, this is much better than it was and it will stay like this forever for at least a few more months.

(Best part of moving the blog over? Having the ability to strikethru. Worst part of moving the blog over? Google getting mad after about 50 posts and making me enter the stupid spam tests--I had a great success rate actually and out of 100 I had to do, only missed about 5.)

Not only did we get a new look (all courtesy of the free templates and header from shabby blogs, as you can see over in the left corner--no way I could figure out how to do this myself), but I have moved the blog from weebly over to blogger. I was having a hard time getting weebly to look, act, and work the way I wanted to. I'm sure that people more familiar with code could probably get weebly to work, but I just had too many issues. That being said, the newly designed blog is still a work in progress--but I was too excited to show it off. (I'd like to say that I've been so busy on the new blog that I haven't been posting, but really, I obsessively worked on it yesterday and today.)

Most of the posts from the old site are here, but the links have changed, I'm sure, and I still need to make sure all of the formatting is right. So please be patient as we get our act together, but definitely stop by this week as I'll be revealing a super fun project Nathan and I have been working on for a while.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Dirt Party

This weekend, Nathan hosted a dirt party. Because I'm not especially capable of helping with things like moving, digging, or anything else that might require some arm strength and height I do not have, we bribed some truy awesome friends with beer and food.

Speaking of food, this was the first time I used our kitchen since it's been up and running (which yes, did happen the day before/day of the dirt party.) Because we essentially doubled (tripled?) our counter space, both my mother-in-law and I could chop vegetables/fruit AT THE SAME TIME. There was enough space to serve everything on the counters, too. Amazing.

On the Menu, in case you ever have a dirt party:

Sloppy Joes (make sure you plug the crockpot in)
This pasta salad (for those of you were were asking for the recipe)
Fruit Salad
Grandma's chocolate cake (basically Texas Sheet cake)
Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting, from Elisabeth Hasselbeck's Deliciously G-Free Cookbook
Rice Krispie Treats

Shelby had a friend come over, too, and just saying: Best. Dog Exercising. Ever.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

MWF Seeking Normal

My blog posts have been MIA lately, but for good reason. We have been living in crazytonfieldville lately, all for good reason. (My dad got the "Mr. Deeds" reference when I told him about it earlier, anyone else?) Our kitchen is finally almost done. As in, there are gorgeous bottom cabinets and new counters. As in, we only have one more cabinet and a door to put in before it is finished. And even if that never happens, I still think it is perfect. However, this also means we've been without water for abou

We've also been out on vacation, exploring D.C. We had an amazing time (and came home with incredibly sore muscles, or at least I did), and I will defintiely update you on our trip next week, as soon as we have pictures on the computer (Or maybe I'll just skip the pictures all together.) And I was in Denver last week, and still have a suitcase of things to unpack and find room for.

Sorry for the super brief post, but next week, after I find my normalcy (hopefully), you won't be able to get rid of me.