Thursday, January 10, 2013

Odd Numbers + A Look Ahead

I can't believe I haven't blogged since last year. (Last night, I said to Nathan, "I haven't been to the library since last year!" and he replied, "You love that joke, don't you?" Yes, yes I do. Even though I know it's pretty lame. So here I go, using it again.)

Among my other strange quirks (and horrible taste in jokes, based on above), I don't like odd numbers. Not even a little bit. (Well, except 5. I consider five to be an even number in my further strangeness.) But despite that, I've learned in my short-ish life that the odd years tend to be better than the even ones.

That's not to say that 2012 was bad. 2012 had a lot of good moments going for it: we were able to travel a ton (let's see if I can get it all in here: Denver, Washington, D.C., Key West, Denver (and Chadron and Rapid City), Denver, NYC, Key West. I feel like I'm missing a trip or two, though.) We spent lots of time with family and friends and had lots of visitors. Shelby learned how to be an agility dog and swim, and we learned what it was like to have a dog with no energy a few times. Our house got a lot of love--a new kitchen and landscaping most significantly--and our list of projects to complete is almost completely checked-off. (Does that mean we have to start over?) And we were able to celebrate weddings and babies and all sorts of other good news for our family and friends.

But. 2012 was still not my favorite year. It was a weird year, and it was also harder than other years, despite its greatness. I think that so far, 2013 seems like it will be pretty good. This year, we're going to Chicago. (and that's all we have planned so far. We are open to suggestions.) I'm going to finish my NaNo project. (33,000ish words to go to 50,000, so let's just say, 50,000 words to go!) And as far as resolutions, that's the only one I have, because it's the only thing that I know I really need to do.

(Though after looking over this post, maybe one should also be, use less ()s.)

(And learn how to spell parenthesis--is that right? Oh wait, spellcheck says yes. Now back down to one resolution again.)

Happy new year, to my readers. May 2013 be great for all of us!


  1. Here's to 2013! It's going to be our year.

  2. I overuse parenthesis (or is it parentheses when it's plural, like crisis vs. crises??? now I'm questioning myself) all the time. :) I am excited to see what 2013 brings for all of us! And also I share your weirdness about odd numbers, so you are not alone. Even numbers for life.

    Let me know if you need an editor for your NaNo project! I know of a decent one. ;)
