Thursday, January 6, 2011

Looking Forward: 2011 Words

There are two ways to look at the start of a new year. The first is to treat it like it’s a chance for a fresh start, to make resolutions and try to stick to them. The other is to treat it as if nothing’s changed and keep doing what works for you.

I’ve always been a fan of the first way, and it’s not just New Year’s that I make resolutions. I make them in January, at the beginning of my no longer existent school year, really, whenever I can. But like most people, I never manage to stick to them. I do pretty well in the beginning, but gradually my motivation fades.

This year, I’m not going to make any resolutions. Instead, I’m going to choose words for the year (inspired by reverb10
and small notebook).

Last year’s word was change. As I talked about Sunday, this year was a big for me, and for us. I think, hope, that this year will give us a chance to experience our new normal, rather than creating it.

As for this year, I have a few words in mind.

Challenge. When I started searching for a new job, it was for many different reasons, the main one being that I wanted to make a difference. But it also had a lot to do with the fact that I no longer felt challenged by my current job, which led to boredom. And I realized that most of the decisions I’ve made in recent years have been safe, and it was time for a change. My new job is something that will take me completely out of my comfort zone, and the part-time work also means that I will be able to explore some of my other goals, such as this blog, my writing, and my etsy store. I have the opportunity to take a chance on myself, and while that is going to be a challenge, it’s a challenge that is worth it. And I look forward to seeing what will happen this year.

Focus. As I said above, I will be working part-time, giving me the chance to take a chance on myself and see what I’m capable of. However, this will definitely require me to focus on the goals I want to accomplish and take the steps to achieve them.  Focus also means that I want to really pay attention to the relationships that are important to me, to spend quality time with my friends, family, and husband. I think it’s easy to get lost in a work and home life rut, and I want to really spend quality time with people, especially those I won’t be seeing every day anymore.

Simplify. I want to simplify my life in several different ways. I want to pare down our stuff, stop buying more things I need, and work with what I have. I also want to simplify my emotions, spend less time angry or crabby, worrying, overthinking, and not let the small things bring me down.

So, there are my words for the year. I hope to update you on how I’m doing with keeping them in mind this year. So far, I’m doing pretty well with simplify—I’ve gotten rid of six things from my boxes that my mom brought home for me. But more on that later this month . . .

What are your words for the year? How would you sum up last year?

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