Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Loving Lately

*SPRING! Today is the official first day of spring, but we've been lucky to have some nice weather already. Shelby has totally become an outside dog and just sits out there in the grass with her eyes half-closed, sniffing the air. That is, when she's not getting in trouble in the mud like she did today. Nathan has worked on building her some agility equipment, a tunnel and two jumps, so she's been practicing for class. Nathan also put down the grass seed, and lucky for me, the rain has been watering it this week. Our landscaping is coming back, too, and I'm hoping my lilac blooms this year. The magnolia bush already started!

*SMASH. I am probably weird and fast forward through most of the singing, but I love the premise, I love the characters, and I love Marilyn. One of my favorite new shows. (Oh, and GCB, but I love Leslie Bibb.)

*RedBox. Saturday I finally got to see "Young Adult," and it was definitely something that did not live up to my expectations because I had set them so high. But I did love "My Week With Marilyn." Also different than I thought it would be, but in a good way.

*The library. I have an unbelievable (and maybe unreadable in three weeks) number of books checked out. Come back tomorrow to see what I've been reading lately.

*Cucumber water. Never thought I'd like such a thing, but had it this weekend and now want to make it everyday. It will be a perfet summer drink.

*Pinterest cleaning tips. My particular favorites are using a grapefruit and salt to scrub the tub and putting a cup of vinegar in a bowl in the dishwasher to clean it. 

*Road Trips. OK, I don't love the actual driving part, but I loved seeing my family two weekends ago. It was a super fun weekend and I came home with lots of treasures from my childhood.

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