Monday, March 26, 2012

Movie Review: The Hunger Games

This weekend, Nathan and I (and the rest of the country, apparently) went to see "The Hunger Games." Now, normally we avoid going to movies on opening weekend if we can, but we'll be so busy the next few weeks and I didn't want to wait. Luckily, it was OK, aside from the semi-loud woman who was, of course, sitting right behind us.

Now, if you haven't seen the movie or read the books, STOP reading. Consider this a spoiler alert, because I'm going to talk about what I liked and didn't like about the movie. It will also contain some book spoilers. So stop. Now.

What I Liked:
*I actually liked all of the casting decisions. I didn't think I would like Katniss, but as the movie went on, she seemed like the right choice.
*I liked the music and sound effects they had throughout the movie (except for the ringing after the explosion, because I have actual ringing in my ears!). I thought it added a lot to the plot.
*Overall, I liked the adaptation--it's an already disturbing plot, and seeing it made it even more so. Nathan and I agreed that the scene at the cornucopia was very hard to watch.
*The costumes. Gorgeous.

What I Didn't LIke:
This section is more of a "what I wished they included" that I think made the movie less effective than the book.
*The girl from district 12 who works in the capitol.
*More on how she knew the berries were poisonous (or her mother)
*Her relationship with Rue.
*My sister pointed this out, but definitley more on her relationship with Gael. They hardly looked at this and it becomes pretty important. (Also, I always said Guy-al, thanks to that episode of How I Met Your Mother!)

So, those are my thoughts. What did everyone else think?

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