Monday, May 7, 2012

Running With Shelby

Yesterday, I went and watched my awesome friend Leah run the Lincoln half-marathon. I have never watched a marathon (or half) before and couldn't believe how many spectators were out and how many people were running (this year, 10,000). I also couldn't believe how entertaining and inspiring it was.

I am not a runner--in fact, I've always hated running. The sports I played in high school, volleyball and tennis, required little running for that very reason. But currently, I am doing couch to 5k to get ready for the Purple Stride in June. Here is the team page if you want more info.

This morning, I got up to run and was equipped the inspiration I got yesterday watching the marathoners. Today was the day I had to run more than walk, too. However, I've found that the secret to not hating running is to have a dog with you. Normally, Shelby runs either way ahead of me (at the beginning of the run) or way behind me (when she is tired). Today, though, she ran next to me pretty much the whole time.

The other best part of running with Shelby is I can motivate myself by reminding her that we only have a minute left and to keep on going. Hello, of course she doesn't need to know that but I do, and having her with me means I don't look like a crazy person.

Overall the run went pretty good, until I got home and had to lie on the kitchen floor because I felt faint. There will be no half-marathoning for me, I think.

Oh, and there is a new trend in Lincoln I am not too happy about. The past few times we've gone, Shelby has had a random, leashless dog run up to her and scare her. Today's was fine, because it was smaller than she was, but last week, some black lab came running up to her and the owner didn't make much of an effort to come get him. Then on our way back, we ran into them again, and the lady barely held onto him, while laughing with her friend about how "her dog had scared that little dog earlier." I'm sorry, but I don't think it's funny that your giant lab came running after my dog, who is already extremely cautious of other dogs.

End my "leashless dogs" rant, but I have to say this bothers me as much as the high schoolers who leave chocolate out all over the sidewalks.

And yes, I suppose I am a crazy dog person.

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