Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Book Review: Gone Girl

Book: Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn

It seemed like everyone was talking about Gone Girl this summer, so I was very excited when I found a copy at the library. It's easy to see why. It's for sure a page-turner. While I would definitely say that the mystery of Amy's disappearance is the heart of the story, the characters really steal the show. Flynn does a fantastic job of writing such deep characters and making us love and hate them all at the same time. Generally speaking, I prefer plot to character development, but the two were so intertwined in this book that it was hard to separate them, which did a lot for the story itself. The book didn't end nicely either--you are definitely left with an "icky" feeling that seems to be unresolved even though it is resolved. Definitely worth checking out, if you are able to find it at the library.

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