Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Book Review: Runaway Girl

During NaNo, I'll be posting a book review on Tuesdays and my NaNo update on Friday. So be sure to tune in for all reading, all writing, all the time.

Book: Runaway Girl: Escaping Life On The Streets, One Helping Hand At A Time, by Carissa Phelps with Larkin Warren

I was immediately drawn to this book because of all of the statistics I hear in my professional life: how important it is that every child has a caring adult in his or her life and how much of an impact it can actually make on that child. Runaway Girl is about Carissa and what her life on the streets as a runaway was like. But more than the shocking truth about her life on the streets, the book is about how certain people can impact others, especially children, and change the course of their lives by providing them with resources they need to succeed, particularly being a presence in their life. What's amazing is how much she accomplished because of the role certain individuals played in her life--even with setbacks on her path to scuess, she graduated from college and earned an MBA and is now reaching out to help other children. This story is very educational and inspirational and written in a way that really makes you aware of what some children are experiencing every day, and what resources are available to help them.

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