Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Banned Books Week: Water For Elephants

Challenged Book:Water for Elephants

According to the ALA:
Removed from a spring break elective course at the Bedford, N.H. School District (2010) after a parent complained about the novel’s sexual content. The complainant further suggested that the school only allow "youth versions" of particular books or organize a parental review system over the summer that would look at books that students need parental permission to read. A checklist has been proposed that Bedford school officials would use to rate books and other instructional materials.

My thoughts:
I loved Water For Elephants (the book and the movie). And while I can see why a parent might be concerned with the novel's sexual content, I more surprised that no complaint was made based on the violence of the book. However, I think there is such value in reading this book, for many literary reasons. It is a fantastic example of historical fiction that would more likely appeal to youth than other books in that genre. It is well-written, and the perspective of the narrator is unique, because it is a male character written by a woman author. And while there might be some questionable content for teenagers, I think that anyone enrolled in a spring break elective course likely has the maturity for this to be an appropriate choice, and the content is not any different than what can be found on TV and other books targeted to young adults.

Have any of you read Water For Elephants? What are your thoughts on it being read in schools?

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