Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Date Night

The weather lately has lead to me feeling uninspired, despite the beauty of the snow and the comfort I can take in staying home and not having to drive anywhere, but rather, curl up in my warm house and do whatever project I can come up with. Which is an explanation, not an excuse, for why blog posts haven’t been up as often as I planned on when I originally decided to stay home. Because this blog, and my writing, and my etsy store, which, by the way, now has six listings, were all things I thought I’d focus on once I had the time to.

And yet, I didn’t expect to not know what to do with my time, and instead of doing everything I intended, I just watch TV, or hang out on the Internet. Or, bribe Shelby with brand-new, extra delicious treats to jump through a hula hoop during our 10 minutes of training today, after she wouldn’t last night. (Which I did today.) But, I’m also learning a valuable lesson: That it’s OK to take it slow and not rush. Eventually, the novelty will wear off and I’ll settle into a routine. That’s what I tell myself anyway.

With all that being said, I got a sudden burst of inspiration just now when I realized tonight is date night. And I realized that I never shared Nathan’s Christmas gift with you all (though I believe that some of you do, in fact, know what it was).

I found the idea on one of the many blogs I used to peruse during the workday. It’s called the 12 dates of Christmas. Basically, I came up with 12 different dates that we would do during the year, on the date that corresponds with the letter of the month; for example, 2-2. And then I spent probably an hour in Ben Franklin finding my perfect supplies:
Those include a beautiful Christmas-y book, matching stickers, minicalendars, and black and red paper. I actually had to go buy a secondbook, because I counted wrong. Note: Just because something has 12pages, doesn’t mean you can use all 12. You need to have a cover afterall! And there might be blood on some of the pages, because I cut myfinger opening my paper cutter (I know, right?) and didn’t realize it.But he loved it all the same, and it gives us something to look forwardto every month. Who knows, maybe it will become a tradition.

As far as tonight’s date goes, we’re planning the garden for the spring.Nathan has some big ideas for the backyard, and even though it’s allcovered in snow now, the groundhog says we don’t have much longer. Orat least that’s what Facebook tells me . . .

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