Saturday, February 19, 2011

Road Trip Reflections

I decided to take a solo road trip home this weekend, leaving Nathan and Shelby to fend for themselves. One of the reasons I thought the part-time job was a good fit was that it would give me more time to take quick trips home to see my family. This week's work schedule, the weather, and the fact that it's my dad's birthday weekend gave me the perfect opportunity to hit the road.

It used to be that every time I left Colorado I would be hit with a pang of sadness telling my parents good-bye and pulling out of the driveway. Today, I was surprised that I felt the same way leaving Nathan and Shelby, which means that I finally consider Lincoln home (even though I'm sure that I'll still feel the same way when I leave Colorado Monday. I'm lucky enough to have two homes.)

My favorite companion on a road trip is a book on tape (or CD, as my case may be), at least when I'm driving alone. Some of my favorite past "reads" are Kitchen Privileges, Dear John, Certain Girls, and Marly and Me (though I only got about three-quarters of the way through because I could see where it was going). I'm listening to The Glass Castle now, and so far, I really like it. I find that a book on tape has to be just right. The best ones are funny, romantic, or biographical, in my opinion. And the reader has to be just right. We tried listening to a Laura Ingalls Wilder book on CD and it just did not work, especially with the fiddle playing and singing.

I was able to have company, however, on the last part of my journey. I picked up my  Grandma and we were able to catch up and talk about books and many other things. I'll get to take her back on Monday, too, and I'll be able to finish my book on CD on the last part of my journey.

Once I arrived home, I got dinner cooked by my mom and homemade hot fudge and now I'm enjoying cable TV. And I'm excited to sleep in my old room tonight.

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