Monday, February 14, 2011

Inspired By Love

Happy Valentine's Day to all of my readers, whether you "believe" in the holiday or not. It seems I have quite the day ahead of me: DMV to register Nathan's car (now there's a benefit of having a wife work part-time: She can go to the DMV during the day and not fight the crowds), baking a lemon tart and roasting a chicken for our Valentine's Day dinner (accompanied by rolls and asparagus), and going to work, wearing my red dress. Nathan's books need to be wrapped, and the card needs to be signed. Tomorrow, I'll talk about our Valentine's Day tradition.

I also have a lot to think about after this last weekend. As I mentioned Friday, I went to a writing group yesterday and while I was feeling a little apprehensive about it, it was so beneficial and I really feel inspired and awed by everything we talked about yesterday. I want to talk more about that, and how it's going to fit into the actual writing of my novel idea (which I've had now for almost two years) and the research that I'll have to do for it, as well. But I still have some links to explore and thinking to do.

We also checked some items off our list this weekend, including choosing paint colors for the living room. I'll definitely want to show you those and talk about my inspiration for the living room.

But for now, consider this a teaser for what's to come this week, while I settle my thoughts and take Shelby for a walk on this sunshiney day.

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