Thursday, June 2, 2011

Library Addict

Everyone, I'm starting to go a little crazy at the library. Turns out that it's OK to check out eight babysitters club books when you're 10, because you'll read all of them in the alotted library time, but checking out eight grown up books from library as a 25 year old means you might not finish them. I know I should just put them on a list or something and read as I have time, but I never find anything browsing the card catalog, only when I'm looking in person. And when I want to find lots of books to read, such as for a road trip or something, I can never find anything. Like when I give myself permssion to buy books, there's nothing there.

Thus, here is the list of books I currently have checked out, followed by books I've recently read and returned. Or read and kept, as the case may be.

To Read:
The Summer I Turned Pretty and It's Not Summer Without You, Jenny Han (picked up after seeing them at Barnes and Noble at a Sarah Dessen display)

Everything I Needed To Know About Being A Girl I Learned From Judy Blume, edited by Jennifer O'Connell (found in the same area as the above two)

Secrets To Happiness, Sarah Dunn (an author I really like)

Wedding Season, Katie Fforde (impulse grab; you know I can't resist wedding books)

The Art Of Racing In The Rain, Garth Stein (has been on the list for a while, and I finally found it at the library)

The Penny, Joyce Meyer and Deborah Bedford (impuse grab--1955 setting means I will probably love it)

Half-Broke Horses, Jeannette Walls (also on my to-read list, after listening to The Glass Castle)

Recently Read:
Boy Meets Girl, Meg Cabot: love Meg, and this was a fun, light story written in journal entries, emails, notes, etc. Kind of a fun concept.

Ape House, Sarah Gruen: listened on tape. Wasn't quite sure where it was going, but ended up loving the story. Also a good look into animal rights and testing.

So, what have you checked out lately?

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