Thursday, February 2, 2012

Movie Review: One Day

One Day was recommended to me by my friend Lisa, who started reading it and absolutely loved it. She got the book for me and I also couldn't put it down. The plot is a simple enough idea: looking at one day, the same day, every year over the course of many, and how relationships and lives change. The two main characters, Emma and Dexter, experience life's ups and downs, as does their relationship. While I wondered if so many big events happen on the same day, for the sake of the story, I think it works fantastically. And looking at one day also lets the author write about little moments, and how they can become the bigger moments down the road, which I think is a very realistic portrayal of life.

The movie version of One Day has Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess. I really questioned Anne Hathaway as Emma, because while I love her, I was dubious of her English accent. But she was perfect, and while watching the movie, it was very accurate to the characters I had pictured in my head, and their interactions seemed to match book Dex and Emma just as I'd imagined them. I can see how this would be a hard movie to adapt, simply because of all of the different stories. The book obviously provides more context for each of the years, and the movie actually didn't show much of some of the years, obviously in the interest of time. In a sense, I thought the movie made things a bit easier to understand, because it seemed to flow between the years more clearly. And especially in the end, the movie had a lot more impact on me--it definitely impacted Nathan, too.

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