Thursday, June 14, 2012

Camp NaNoWriMo: Seeking Inspriation

Man, if Camp NaNoWriMo was read 50,000 books during the month of June, I'd be rocking it. All of my favorite authors have new books that I've managed to score at the library, so I have been reading, reading, reading. And loving it.

Reading/writing my book? Not so much. My book is not interesting to me, and I wonder, if I'm bored writing it, will people be bored reading it? I expressed this to my friend Laura at the Camp Social this week, and she said all of the authors she has talked to say the same thing at some point in the process. So at least I'm not alone here. BUT I am sure that didn't happen to them during camp month. So my solution?

Start a completely different project. Yes, this is truly crazy. But for the first time, I was out and about and struck with an idea and it wouldn't leave my head. So I've been thinking about it, writing down notes, writing an intro, and loving it.

My word count has taken a hit, as in it hasn't really gone anywhere. But I have found my insipration again, and I guess that counts for something, right?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Birthday Dog

The little Shelberton turned two this weekend. Obviously we got her a present, which she did not like so much, and she got to go over the Gram's and hang out for a little bit. Last year, I made her a cake using this recipe but this year we're taking her to the doggie buffet at our favorite restaurant, which they have every Tuesday. Obviously she is like her mother and wants to have a week-long birthday celebration, though let's be honest: She's pretty spoiled every day.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Camp NaNoWriMo: Setting Up Camp

Word Count as of 6/8/12: 1,732

If you look at my word count and how much I'm technically supposed to be writing every day, I'm technically not doing super great at Camp NaNoWriMo. But, in Whitney-land, which is what matters, I'm very happy with those 1,732 words.

I am hoping that doing Camp NaNoWriMo gets me in the habit of writing. While it would be awesome if I could actually get the 50,000 words, I will be happy with any amount of words I have, because that's more than I had before. And as much as I try to convince myself, I know that my personality is not one that can just write. Oh no. Of course there has to be overthinking.

The first few days of Camp NaNoWriMo, I was writing every day. Not so much for the end of the week, because I'm kind of bored of my book. I know, not a good sign. But I am hoping that taking some time to get re-energized will bring new perspective and new ideas.

I have set up my computer in the dining room, and I love it. I feel like it's a vacation away from my desk, with pretty flowers from my friend Helen still thriving, and Shelby lying nearby, keeping an eye on me. I've also been out to a camp social with my friend Laura, and we got . . .  some . . . writing done. But a lot of fun was had by all.

Overall, I know I need to do a lot more writing this weekend and early this week, before I have my gum graft on Thursday. Hopefully I won't be out of commission long afterward. But no matter what my count is, I'm still happy with my progress.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Reading Lists: Key West Picks

Sometimes, I am very similar to a small child. Most particularly when I travel long distances. In fact, I was whining at the Fort Lauderdale airport during our 2-hour layover (because we were soooo close) and Nathan turned on Netflix for me on the tablet, probably because my whining reminded him of a small child. (Except I wouldn't let a small child watch "Dawson's Creek," that's for sure.) But I was able to get a lot of reading in, and here are my thoughts on what I read during my summer vacation.

MWF Seeking BFF, Rachel Bertsche.

Lately I have been reading a lot of memoirs, and some of my favorite memoirs are the ones that are almost more like blogs. While I love reading about people who are famous, I also love everyday peole who have ideas and go with it, develop a following, and write awesome books. This is one of them--Rachel moves to Chicago with her husband but realizes that while she is not lacking in love, she is lacking a best friend, as they all still live in Chicago. She decides to go out on 52 friend dates in a year to get to know new people, and her book details these dates and the results. She also discusses the more scientific/pyscholgica/sociological parts of friendships. What I found most interesting in her discussion was that there are health benefits of having friends, the difference between husbands and wives and their outside friendships (men think of wives as best friends but women need other friends to be their best friends), and how facebook has impacted friendships since its existence.

Skipping a Beat, Sarah Pekkanen.

Yes, I did bawl my eyes out on the plane when I finished this book. (Of course, I did so subtley.) I had read Sarah Pekkanen's first book and loved it, so I requested the second one at the library. It tells the story of a marriage, falling in love and falling out of love, and how the marriage was brought back to life after her husband's heart attack. I loved it because it was full of emotion and all of the characters were likable and you wanted everyone to be happy in the end. But it was also a real-life perspecitve on love that is hard to come by--it's not a happily ever after you find in most chick lit, but a happily ever after that you find in real life.

The Secret Lives Of Dresses, Erin McKean

My friend Kaitlyn recommended this book to me a while ago, and my library request finally came through right before I left. The book is about a woman who comes home to take over her grandmother's vintage store, after the grandmother becomes ill. This experience, and the power of the stories behind the clothes, change her life and help her realize who she wants to be and who she has always been. I love the premise that everything has a story, not just people, and how interesting these stories can be and how much they can relate in our everyday lives and memories.

Hissy Fit, Mary Kay Andrews.

The first time I read Hissy Fit, in college, I hated it. But I found it in my last box of books from home and decided to give it another chance, as I have read most of Mary Kay Andrews' other books now and love them. I have no idea what I was thinking the first time I read it, because it is a perfect beach read for people like me who love all things houses, decorating, etc. There was romance and mystery, too, of course, and overall I recommend it as a perfect pool/beach/plane read.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"P" Night

Today is a very special lady's birthday--my mom!

When we were in Key West, the family was talking about childhood memories, and one of my favorites was "P" night. Every Friday, "P" night, we'd have pizza and pop and get to watch a movie. Because I was always a nerd, I named it "P" night. It was all very exciting and a change from our everyday life.

I mentioned this to my mom a couple of years ago and she said that she would do it because by the end of the week she was tired of cooking and wrangling three kids and that was a good solution. I told her that she ruined "P" night for me because it was always something awesome, but I realize that really, this whole story is kind of representative of our relationship and how it has changed over the years.

I had the best mom growing up, a mom who even when she wasn't trying to gave us the best memories. She was always there for us and even though I didn't realize how awesome it was at the time, my parents came to watch nearly all of our events--plays and concerts and tennis matches and lacrosse games and gymnastics meets, etc. She would pick us up from school, make cookies with us, help us with our homework.

And now, she is one of my best friends--and we have the kind of relationship where she can tell me the secret behind "P" night. And now, we can have a different version of "P" night, where we get pizza and salad take out and cupcake wine and sit on the couch and watch one of the many similar shows we watch. Again without trying, she has given me memories and tradtions--going to PF Changs before I leave on the train, shopping trips, walks around the neighborhoods with the dogs.

In April I went back to help my parents pack up our house and I realized that I wasn't as sad as I expected. Because, as I told her, she is always home for us, and she and my dad will make wherever they end up our home, because we will be together, probably having "P" night. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Florida Sunshine

Over Memorial Day weekend, Nathan and I took a trip with my family down to Key West to visit my aunt and uncle. We had a fabulous time and really enjoyed getting the chance to relax and take a break from real life.

Some of our vacation highlights, other than spending time with family:
  • CUBAN FOOD (that's, as always, my No. 1 thing, though tapas comes in at a close second now.)
  • Parasailing, snorkeling and jetskiing
  • Sunset at Mallory Pier and the cat guy
  • Shopping on Duval Street
  • Sloppy Joe's
  • Nerd Day, which included visits to the Hemingway house, lighthouse museum, Truman house, Audobon house, and the Custom House. Yes, many houses.
  • Sunset cruise, where we saw the green flash (we think) and drank (maybe too much) champagne
  • Enjoying time out on the water and by the pool
  • Late-night chats and glasses of wine
And because our travel days were so long, I got a lot of reading in, so Wednesday will have several mini book reviews about my vacation reading.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Camp NaNoWriMo, We Hold You In Our Hearts...

...I know at least one reader who knows how that ends.

After trying one day of actual NaNoWriMo two years in a row, I'm starting off Camp NaNoWriMo today. There are a few reasons I think I will be more successful this time.

1. The timing is way better. November is not a good month for me work-wise or life-wise. June, on the other hand, is looking pretty relaxed.

2. I have been doing a lot more research the past few months--I am hoping this will make it easier to get in the mindset of my setting/time frame.

3. Camping is a lot of fun.

This morning, I thought I would sit down and make a detailed outline, but yesterday while driving I had an idea that totally changed the make up of my story in terms of how it is told. So it actually ended up taking hardly any time to outline what I wanted, and I was able to start writing right away. So, my current word count stands at 738 as of this morning.

Of course, writing 50,000 words in one month will take away time I have for the blog. I'm planning on three posts a week, with a NaNoWriMo update on Fridays. Stay tuned during my camp experience!