Thursday, June 14, 2012

Camp NaNoWriMo: Seeking Inspriation

Man, if Camp NaNoWriMo was read 50,000 books during the month of June, I'd be rocking it. All of my favorite authors have new books that I've managed to score at the library, so I have been reading, reading, reading. And loving it.

Reading/writing my book? Not so much. My book is not interesting to me, and I wonder, if I'm bored writing it, will people be bored reading it? I expressed this to my friend Laura at the Camp Social this week, and she said all of the authors she has talked to say the same thing at some point in the process. So at least I'm not alone here. BUT I am sure that didn't happen to them during camp month. So my solution?

Start a completely different project. Yes, this is truly crazy. But for the first time, I was out and about and struck with an idea and it wouldn't leave my head. So I've been thinking about it, writing down notes, writing an intro, and loving it.

My word count has taken a hit, as in it hasn't really gone anywhere. But I have found my insipration again, and I guess that counts for something, right?

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