Friday, June 1, 2012

Camp NaNoWriMo, We Hold You In Our Hearts...

...I know at least one reader who knows how that ends.

After trying one day of actual NaNoWriMo two years in a row, I'm starting off Camp NaNoWriMo today. There are a few reasons I think I will be more successful this time.

1. The timing is way better. November is not a good month for me work-wise or life-wise. June, on the other hand, is looking pretty relaxed.

2. I have been doing a lot more research the past few months--I am hoping this will make it easier to get in the mindset of my setting/time frame.

3. Camping is a lot of fun.

This morning, I thought I would sit down and make a detailed outline, but yesterday while driving I had an idea that totally changed the make up of my story in terms of how it is told. So it actually ended up taking hardly any time to outline what I wanted, and I was able to start writing right away. So, my current word count stands at 738 as of this morning.

Of course, writing 50,000 words in one month will take away time I have for the blog. I'm planning on three posts a week, with a NaNoWriMo update on Fridays. Stay tuned during my camp experience!


  1. Best of fortune to you in your writing Whitney, may the words continue to spill on to your pages! XOXO
    You Go Girl!

  2. and when i think about you, it makes me wanna fart!

    can't wait to see the progress you're making.
