Tuesday, October 26, 2010

So We Got A Puppy . . .

We had a big weekend. Friday I threw a book themed shower for my friend Kelley, then we had her wedding on Saturday. And on Sunday we got a puppy! We had been thinking about getting one for a while, but we wanted to wait until after the wedding and our honeymoon. We had thought about waiting until after New Year's or next spring, but then started looking and got attached to the idea. I found some shelties at an animal shelter that I thought were cute, and showed them to my friend Leah. She told us that her boyfriend's brother's dog had just had sheltie puppies, so we made a date to go look at the girl puppy, Dakota.

When we got out to the farm, Dakota was very cute and really took to Nathan. She loved sitting in his lap and playing with him. So we took her home with us. She had never been on a leash before, and she did not like it. Jess also warned us that she might get car sick but should be OK. Not so much. She threw up all over Nathan's pant leg as we pulled into PetCo's parking lot. It was probably the funniest thing I've ever seen. We picked out lots of toys for her and got her a bed, a crate, some treats (that she doesn't like), a collar, and a leash. When we took her home, she was very confused and kept turning her head and looking at us. We put her bed out and she went over to sniff it, but wouldn't get in it. Eventually, she got in it and slept for the rest of the day. We're trying to get her into a routine and get her housebroken, but she seemed very overwhelmed yesterday, so we're trying to find a balance in "establishing dominance" and also giving her a break because she's still scared and homesick. She is also really good at sitting, but it's only when you want her to do something she doesn't want to (go potty, come outside, go for a walk on the leash). We don't want to tell her no so she'll never sit again, but we also need to get her to do what we are commanding.

She is very cute--I invite everyone over to meet her whenever because we need to socialize her while she's still little.

I'll be back later today with the details on the book-themed bridal shower!

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