Thursday, February 7, 2013

Apps That Make Me H-Appy

I am so not an app person. When I got my iPhone I put the Facebook app and the weather app on it. Then I addded some that I thought I might use since they were related to TV (hello, HGTV). And that was about it. Over the course of having my phone, I added some others randomly: some app I've never used that I thought would help me sleep better; iTriage, because my BFF from high school worked on it; Southwest, since we always seem to be changing our tickets; and Find iPhone, after using it to find my mom's phone.

But this past month, thanks to recommendations I've recieved from friends and, people I follow on Twitter, and, well, commercials, I feel like my collection of apps has not only grown but improved significantly in that I actually use them. So, in case you, too, are looking to add some apps to your collection, here are my three recent favorites.

1. My ultimate, favorite-app ever: Pepperplate. This app lets me add recipes and then make meal plans. After that, it will make a grocery list for me. This sounds like something that simple enough for me to do on my own without an app, but I kind of love it, since I often cook with my iPhone or nook now. Since I've always intended on making a month or so's worth of meal plans and then recycling them, I think this is a great, easy way for me to do so.

2. P5, for everyone who needs to obsess about their dog. I have often wondered if we are giving Shelby enough exercise, though trust me, if she hasn't gotten out enough, you'll know it. So I was very excited to find P5, from Purina, so that I can track (when I remember) what the little doodlebug has done during the week. I like that the app breaks it out into different levels of activity, as well. Obviously running and walking are two different levels of activeness, but it helps to know what kind of activity she is getting and also encouraging to try to get her to meet a weekly goal.

3. Just can't get enough of Songza. My friend Brittany told me about this app, which serves as a music concierge to help you pick the right music based on what you might be doing at different times of day. You can also explore playlists based on moods and activities, or other factors, such as culture and decades. What I like about Songza that is different than Pandora is that the playlists seem to go better together in my head. (As I write this I'm listening to "A Cappella Covers." Other favorites are basically anything from the 90s and the Glee and Dawson's Creek playlists.)

Now--what apps can you not live without? Ever since I've opened my mind to downloading more of them, I'm taking suggestions.

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