Monday, May 9, 2011


What a weekend! Before we get into my summary, I just wanted to thank everyone for reading last week's posts as I went through my favorite childhood books. I was so happy today--we talked about the importance of childhood reading at one of my meetings, and how it's the foundation of being successful at school. So important.

We had such a full weekend of celebrations. May is always an exciting time, with the start of wedding season, graduations, babies, and Mother's Day, and we did a lot of that this weekend.

Nathan and I had our date night on Friday, and after getting gyros and stopping by the used bookstore, we headed out to the Nebraska baseball game against Texas. It was the most gorgeous night, despite a few sprinkles, and the game wasn't too bad either, even though we lost. I also read a few chapters of my book, The Diana Chronicles by Tina Brown--I'm trying to hang onto the royal wedding as long as I can!

After lunch with the in-laws Saturday, I picked up my friend Jody and we went to a baby shower for my dear friend Meagan, who's expecting her first little one in June. It was such a fun shower, and of course made me even more excited for her to start her journey as a mother. That evening, we also had a graduation party for a college friend, and in between we hit up the mall and Target. We both did great and didn't buy anything, except I did find Shelby's dog food, so I had to buy that.

Last year, we had a lunch for Nathan's mom for Mother's Day and had his parents over again this year. I broke out the fancy silverware and glasses and Nathan made roasted chicken, potatoes, and salad. We had sparkling grape juice and peanut butter cup treats for dessert. Yum. Shelby got to play outside in her pool and just went crazy, jumping in and out and over. She tried laying down in the water but quickly decided she'd rather not. She's very tired today.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend (and Mother's Day), too.

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