Tuesday, May 17, 2011

If You Give Your House A Garage . . .

. . .  it's going to want a new car to go with it. That's right, there have been lots of changes around our house the past couple of days.

Let's start with the garage. As some of you may know, back in September, TWO days after our wedding, to be specific, our carport roof blew off in a freak wind storm and landed on our roof. And, of course, it also landed on a power line. We had to stay with Nathan's grandma the next night (bless her heart!) while contractors took the carport apart and disposed of it and our power was turned back on, all before we left on our honeymoon that Saturday.

The insurance company covered the carport, but rather than replace it, we decided to add a garage, since we had plans to do that anyway. We also needed to replace the driveway, because it was really cracked and was not only incredibly annoying to shovel the snow off of but also directing water into the basement occasionally, causing leaks.

Initially, we were going to just get bids to pour the cement and the footings. Then we decided to get bids for a framed garage and we (meaning Nathan and his dad) would finish it. And what we ended up with was a contractor to build the entire garage and pour the driveway, which is really better overall.

They started bright and early Monday morning, taking a bobcat to the driveway and tearing up the back part where the actual garage will be. Shelby is not happy because she lost her backyard and refuses to go potty in the front yard. That's right--she'll go in other people's front yards, the park, the grass in front of the churches on our walk, but not our front yard.

And now, part two. Today I brought home a new used 2003 Subaru Forester. I was rear-ended back in early March and despite not having much damage, they totaled my car. We bought the car back because it was still drive-able, and I started (OK, continued) my search for the perfect car. I had basically been checking car Web sites and craigslist every day since then, but got behind this week. This weekend I was talking to Nathan about it and realized I hadn't been on and found Duff. It was love at first sight, and he is everything I wanted in a car: Low miles, good condition (my most trusted mechanic Randy checked it out beforehand, thanks to a recommendation from my mom), seat heaters and CD player, a back windshield wiper, nice storage, easy to see out of . . . and tonight, I learned it has a temperature gauge and a compass in the mirror. I know, I'm so not a car girl.

I will, however, really miss my girl Hilary (my current Subaru legacy). We had a good run, and she also had many features I had coveted in a car: CD player sunroof, easy to see out the back. But it's time to move on, and I know she will have a good home back in Colorado. Sniff.

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