Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday Fancies

It's been such a busy week here work-wise, but it's nice to have a break today to get caught up on a whole bunch of things I probably should have done yesterday. That's what the weekend is for, right?

*On Monday, Shelby graduated from puppy class, even though she is in her "teenager" phase and refusing to listen to us--instead, she gives us a "why are you making me do this?" look, and then goes, FINE, I'll sit. It's fun. The lady told us that Shelby needed a job or she'll get bored, so we're going to train her to put her toys away.

*Wednesday, I was officially "sworn in" as a member of Toastmasters, which for those of you who don't know is a public-speaking club of sorts. I think it's going to be really good for me to practice something that I don't love so much but will have to do for work. It's a challenge I'm excited to make into something I might love, once the anxiety goes away.

*Next week is season finale week, and I'm very happy this year because I didn't really have any shows canceled. Normally, I'm protesting CBS to keep How I Met Your Mother or yelling at Fox for getting rid of Dollhouse. But the only show I had canceled was Life Unexpected. That means next year will probably be bad for me. Check out what's staying or gone here, my favorite TV site.

*Nathan just finished A Wrinkle In Time, which I made him read, and immediately asked where the sequel was. He was shocked that I didn't have it AND that I had never read it. I'll be heading over to the library today to get it for him (and me). Also, after searching for the title of the second book, I found out that all of the characters in books by Madeline L'Engle are connected to each other through other characters.That's my favorite thing.

*Another author who connects her characters is Emily Giffin, who is one of my favorites. My favorite book by her, Something Borrowed, was made into a movie, and we're going to see it tonight for girls' night. I can't WAIT! I'll have a review of the book and the movie next week.

Have a fantastic weekend, everyone, and I promise I'll be back to posting better next week!

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