Thursday, November 25, 2010

24 Reasons To Be Thankful

With Thanksgiving tomorrow, I wanted to reflect on the year and count my blessings. This is something I try to do every day, and as someone on Facebook pointed out today, Thanksgiving is a verb. But because we have a day dedicated to giving thanks for our blessings, I will share mine with you. I thought it would be fun to think of 24, the number of years I have to be thankful for. So that is No. 1. Here are the next 23, in no particular order.

23. The opportunity to travel. I was so lucky to be able to finally experience Europe this year, something I'd wanted to do forever.
22. People who dedicate their lives to helping others. We need more of them in the world.
21. People who dedicate their lives to keeping us safe and protecting our freedoms. These are the people we should be grateful to every day.
20. Our jobs, and the fact that we can BOTH go to work every day in our field of interest.
19. The opportunity for a college education, and my parents for helping me finance that education.
18. Faith.
17. Having this place to write, and having the resources to start personal endeavors.
16. Books, and the different adventures I experience and lessons I learn through them.
15. Everyone who helped make our wedding happen. We were so lucky to have such wonderful vendors and people in our lives to help us make our day special.
14. Everyone who came to our wedding to celebrate with us as well as those who wished us well from afar.
13. The generousity that we were shown as we started our lives together. We are truly blessed to have amazing people in our lives.
12. Netflix. I am addicted to streaming.
11. Our home, and that we have a place to live and a roof over our heads when so many don't.
10. Having food and the other resources we need every day.
9. Shelby and the love we have for her.
8. Traditions, both those of the past and those we're creating together.
7. Our co-workers, past and present, and the community and friendships we've created.
6. Dear friends, near and far.
5. Email and the post office for letting us communicate with friends and family near and far.
4. A wonderfully large close-knit extended family, whom we've been able to see so much this year.
3. Our grandparents and the memories we have of them
2. Our parents and siblings, and their support in everything they do for us.
1. Nathan: for being an awesome husband.

We're off to Las Vegas for the next few days, celebrating Thanksgiving with my side of the family. Friday we'll be cheering the Huskers on, but we won't be watching the game because we might be bad luck. The only two games we've watched in full we've lost, so we're not taking any chances!

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