Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Living Room: North Wall

So, I'm very excited to say that we're sooo close to having the living room done. All we have left to do is make/hang up some art. So I'm going to share the room in four parts, not to drag it out any longer, but just in case the two picture-less walls get finished in the next few days.

We'll start out with a before shot, and by before, I mean, way before. This is what the living room looked like when Nathan moved in. Nothing in this picture is in the room today. It's all been moved around, and you'll see the new furniture in the coming days. So, BEFORE:
And here is the after, though I'm only showing you one wall--the one with the picture on it in the before.
It was hard to get the full wall shot on this one (I needed a wide-angle lens or something) but I wanted to showcase the purple with the bookcases. I wanted our living room to be kind of like a library/dining room combo, because we have a full finished basement for our TV. So these bookshelves (which the previous owners actually left behind--score!) are probably my favorite thing. Aside from the fact they are black and always look dusty, that is. And so, really, they are the focus of this post, because I think what's actually on the shelves tells a story about us.

So, here's what we have:
The very top shelves have hurricanes from the wedding and some antique champagne glasses from my aunt, friend Leah, and Nathan's mom. I kind of love them all a lot.

Top shelf, left. The wooden box thing you see is actually a card catalog drawer from the wedding. It has our guest book cards, cards we've gotten in the mail from Christmas, birthdays, and other misc. notes, and our mail. There's a vase of flowers from the wedding that were in the hurricanes, and I need to find our wedding cake topper to go on the other side.

Second shelf, left. This is my vast collection of Laura Ingalls Wilder. I have almost every book in all of the series, but I'm missing some Charlottes, Carolines, and Marthas. The blue set is a vintage set I got from Nathan, and I have a replica of the china shepardess we bought in South Dakota.

Third shelf, left. COOKBOOKS. I am starting think I like reading cookbooks more than actually cooking.

Fourth shelf, left. Shelby's stuff all fits in those two buckets, and there are also some dog books there, including a dog cookbook.

Bottom shelf, left. This currently has library books, though I think I'm going to move some games up from downstairs to have on hand, at least the ones we play often.

Top shelf, right. Here, we have two more sets of champagne glasses from our wedding and engagement, a wedding photo, Willow Tree wedding gift, and a wedding gift from my aunt, a miniature library.

Second shelf, right. Photo albums, some of which are currently empty, but that will be fixed when Nathan gets his 100 free prints from Shutterfly in the mail.

Third shelf, right. These are all of the books we've gotten each other for Valentine's Day, and also a cool purple bowl we got as a wedding gift that just fits right in.

Fourth shelf, right. A set of Harry Potter books and other kids' books that might be useful should we ever entertain young visitors. I also like having some childhood favorites out for me.

Bottom shelf, right. This is Nathan's Husker and sports memorabilia--books, media guides, baseball cards, etc., etc.

There's your look at our living room, part one. Be back tomorrow with part two.

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