Thursday, April 28, 2011

Spring Cleaning

I've been Googling spring cleaning checklists for the past month, but never actually doing anything on said lists. (Here's a great source for any level of cleaning you might want to do.) I did a pretty thorough cleaning last week for my parents, but none of that curtain washing/comforter fluffing/washing down the fridge stuff I probably need to do. (Side note: Shelby's helping me clean the windows as I type. She's sitting on her new favorite perch--the bed in my office, which now has a mud-stained pink comforter that I need to clean--licking the window sill for some only-a-dog-understands-why reason.)

And instead of doing any spring cleaning to the house, my focus this week is to do some life spring cleaning--that is, going through my to-do pile and actually doing what needs to be done: changing my name on one last final thing, which actually started said pile, listing wedding stuff on craigslist, filing away bills and statements in our handy-dandy notebooks, RSVPing to some showers (yay!), and coming up with a way for me to keep all of my random notes to myself somewhere other than whatever I can find to write on. Plus, there are some projects I started on that I probably need to finish: finishing a design for my dad, the bag I started yesterday, wrapping gifts, mother's day cards . . .

But I also want to spring clean the blog and my etsy store. Methinks I took on too much when I started being an "at-home everything" in January. Not too much in terms of actual tasks, but motivation and heart. I want to start focusing (one of my 2011 words) on my etsy store a little more and really commit to it--be the pig. (I took that from an old Grey's Anatomy episode I watched recently. In a breakfast, the eggs are involved, but the pig is committed.) While I am mildly happy with what is in my store now, I don't have the products I wanted to sell when I started in the first place. And maybe that's why it moved down on my priority list.

Same goes for the blog. I have some exciting stuff planned for next week, and I also have some changes to the actual site, such as different about word fancies sections and maybe a few new tabs. Maybe I will even succumb to peer pressure from my dear friend Leah and join twitter.
I also want to get a better start on my novel. I know, for a blog that I intended to start to discuss the process, I don't talk about it very often. And so, you will find me at Panera for the rest of the afternoon, because I think it will help me to have a little field trip.

Aside from your house, what do you need to spring clean this week? Will you be joining me on a spring "re-focus"?

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