Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring Has Sprung

I've noticed that spring is finally starting to show up in my everyday life, and it's about time. The grass in our backyard is turning greener, and yesterday's weather was a flashback to Miami (or close to it, anyway). The tree in our front yard is blooming, and I'm hoping the recently replanted lilac will, too. Nathan started cleaning up the backyard yesterday, and soon it won't be long before the garden is in.

The only one who seems less than enthused about the weather is Shelby. Sure, she likes that she gets more walks that last longer, but she gets hot very easily. She is also having a hard time understanding what it means to be out in the backyard to play. Yesterday, she stayed outside while Nathan worked and did some digging, so maybe that helped.

But the best part of spring's arrival is that I was finally able to paint the living room this weekend. I've wanted to paint since last year, but we were going to wait to paint until we redid the floors. Turns out, I didn't want to wait that long, and all winter the walls were taunting me. I have to just say one thing here: When we looked at this house, we were blown away by how nice it looked. The previous owners did a wonderful job making it pretty. But once we moved our stuff in and bought some new furniture to better meet our needs, I just didn't think it worked as well. Most rooms we kept the same or only adjusted slightly--the bathroom, the two guest bedrooms, the basement--but the living room, master bedroom, and kitchen just weren't us.

So I am pulling a "trading spaces" this week and trying to finish the room, because I just can't wait to see how it all turns out. Yesterday, I painted three walls. Today, I'll be repainting the trim. On the agenda tomorrow is priming the little hallway and painting the accent wall in the living room. Wednesday will be more trim and painting the hallway, and on all days, I'll be doing some projects and putting things back to the way they were. And blogging about it, of course, so be sure to come back to see me and check up on my progress.

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