Monday, March 4, 2013

Think Spring!

Nathan and I just watched "Funny Face" the other day, and randomly, "Think Pink!" pops into my head. (And if you know me, you know that it stays in my head for about five hours thanks to my awesome ability to get anything stuck in my head.) Maybe it's because of that song, or maybe just because all I can do is think about spring, but either way, it's the title of word fancies' theme this month. A monthly theme--very exciting.

But what is the "Think Spring!" theme all about? Well, I associate spring with fresh starts and finally being motivated to get some projects done. (I think it's the sunshine that motivates me.) So most of my posts will be about home happenings, whether it's sharing a room that got a fresh coat of paint (maybe in October and I just haven't put it up yet?), a project finally completed (most have to do with frames), or even just the list of spring cleaning tasks I hope to tackle before the month is over. Heck, even the blog might continue to get a makeover.

I am really excited about this monthly theme, for several reasons. One, it's a chance for me to share with you some projects I haven't yet. Two, it's a great kick in the butt to get some things done. And three, it leaves me some time to really focus my writing motivation on my book. (I hit 20,000 words yesterday, thanks to a seven-hour brunch at Panera yesterday! Quarter of the way to my goal--and my Kate Spade purse.)

So be sure to tune in tomorrow as we kickoff Think Spring! with a look at our recently updated (back in October) guest bathroom/laundry room. I kind of love it.

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